Student Government Association



UJC Chief Justice Approval 17U043 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-17
Tech Treasure 17U042 Undergraduate Tabled 2017-04-16
SGA Annual Banquet 2017 17U041 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-11
CDAC Human Library Event 17U040 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-10
Gift to Tech 17J254 Joint Failed 2017-04-10
ADOPTION OF THE FY18 TIER II/III SAF BUDGET 17J252 Joint Passed 2017-04-09
Parking for NAGPS - WITHDRAWN 17G015 Graduate Tabled 2017-04-09
USGA Bylaws Updates - Spring 2017 17U039 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-07
Undergraduate Research Fair - WITHDRAWN Undergraduate Tabled 2017-04-04
Graduates @ TopGolf Part 2 17J239 Joint Passed 2017-04-03
Undergraduate Judicial Council Justice Approval 17U037 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-02
Undergraduate Judicial Council Justice Approval 17U038 Undergraduate Passed 2017-04-02
SGA Graduation Stoles 17U035 Undergraduate Passed 2017-03-27
SGA Meet the Candidates 17U023 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-26
Elections Dates 2017 17U020 Undergraduate Passed 2017-02-05
Resolution Affirming Solidarity with International Community 17J159 Joint Passed 2017-01-30
MHJAC Extension and Policy Updates Joint Created
***JAC REQUEST*** Stamps Psychiatry Appointment Fees Joint Created
UHR escape room retreat Undergraduate Created
Blue Donkey Coffee Tab Undergraduate Created
| 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |

Page 26 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 501, ending on 520