Student Government Association



Appointment of a Subject Matter Expert for JFC [Events] 21J014 Joint Passed 2020-09-07
Appointment of a Subject Matter Expert for JFC [Comp Eng] 21J013 Joint Passed 2020-09-07
2020 Executive Cabinet Appointments 21U003 Undergraduate Tabled 2020-09-01
Creation of the Long-Term Strategic Restructuring Committee 21U004 Undergraduate Passed 2020-09-01
Creation of the Joint Policy Response Committee 21J008 Joint Passed 2020-08-31
*Summer ULR Allocation* | Zeta Week Event Funding 20U080 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-05-22
Funding for the COVID-19 Response Joint Governing Board 20J355 Joint Passed 2020-03-18
Creation of the COVID-19 Response Joint Governing Board 20J354 Joint Passed 2020-03-17
REVISED - Resolution to Divest from Fossil Fuel Companies 20J302 Joint Agenda 2020-02-12
Community Relations Krog Street Market Crawl Bus 20U058 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-12
Resolution Expanding SGA-funded Activities to Excel Students Joint Tabled 2020-02-10
SGA Alumni Networking Brunch 20U057 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-10
***JAC*** ORGT Mindfulness Outdoors Joint Awaiting Author 2020-02-06
Resolution to Divest from Fossil Fuel Companies 20U056 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-02-05
Supplemental Funding for SGA Retreat Food 20U055 Undergraduate Passed 2020-02-04
ULR Federal Work Study Funding for Position 20U053 Undergraduate Tabled 2020-01-21
Clock Funding Bill 20U052 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-01-21
Standing Tree for Survivors: JAC Proposal 20J269 Joint Agenda 2020-01-15
Standing Tree for Survivors: JAC Proposal Joint Awaiting Author 2020-01-15
Resolution to Establish a House Allyship Caucus 20U039 Undergraduate Failed 2019-12-16
| 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |

Page 19 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 361, ending on 380