Student Government Association



Resolution to Notify Students of External Campus Speakers 20U033 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-11-06
College Mobility Event 20U032 Undergraduate Passed 2019-11-10
The Final Stand (FreShGA) 20U030 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-28
Amendment to Undergraduate SGA Bylaws regarding tabling 20U029 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-11-03
Pizza with the President 20U028 Undergraduate Passed 2019-10-29
Spring 2020 Elections Schedule 20U027 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-28
Election Code Amendments 20U025 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-28
Resolution on Rescinding USG BOR Policy 4.1.6 (Admittance) 20U023 Undergraduate Passed 2019-10-27
Resolution on Rescinding USG BOR Policy 4.3.4 (In-State) 20U022 Undergraduate Agenda 2019-10-27
Calendly Pro for JFC (ULR Portion) 20U021 Undergraduate Passed 2019-10-25
Mini 500 SGA 20U020 Undergraduate Passed 2019-10-21
Menstrual Product Program (MPP) Launch Party 20U015 Undergraduate Passed 2019-09-25
Fast Track Bills Automatically Amended Per JFC 20U014 Undergraduate Passed 2019-09-24
Banner for Revolutionary Speakers Series 20U013 Undergraduate Passed 2019-09-16
Funding for the COVID-19 Response Joint Governing Board 20J355 Joint Passed 2020-03-18
Creation of the COVID-19 Response Joint Governing Board 20J354 Joint Passed 2020-03-17
REVISED - Resolution to Divest from Fossil Fuel Companies 20J302 Joint Agenda 2020-02-12
Standing Tree for Survivors: JAC Proposal 20J269 Joint Agenda 2020-01-15
Encumbrance of Waterski and Wakeboard's FY2020 Budget 20J199 Joint Tabled 2019-11-18
Tables for Student Organization Tabling Fair 20J195 Joint Tabled 2019-11-14
| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |

Page 17 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 321, ending on 340