Student Government Association



Resolution in Support of International Students and Postdocs 21J068 Joint Passed 2020-10-26
Extension of Executive Order On Financial Allocation - March 21J115 Joint Agenda 2021-02-23
SGA Polo Shirts 21J123 Joint Agenda 2021-02-25
Up With the White and Gold Awards Ceremony 21J124 Joint Agenda 2021-02-16
Creation and Establishment of the SAF Policy 21J148 Joint Agenda 2021-04-04
Amendment of the Joint Governance Policy - IT Board 21J149 Joint Agenda 2021-04-04
Resolution Extending the JAC Charter 21J151 Joint Agenda 2021-04-05
2020 Executive Cabinet Appointments 21U003 Undergraduate Tabled 2020-09-01
Creation of the Long-Term Strategic Restructuring Committee 21U004 Undergraduate Passed 2020-09-01
Appointment of an Undergraduate JFC Member [Isha Palakurthy] 21U005 Undergraduate Passed 2020-09-07
Appointment of an Undergraduate JFC Member [Wilson Hobbs] 21U006 Undergraduate Passed 2020-09-07
Resolution on Polling Technology and Communication w/ Media 21U007 Undergraduate Tabled 2020-09-08
IWC Undergraduate Appointments 21U008 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-08
Resolution on Polling Technology and Communication w/ Media 21U009 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-14
Recognition of Provost Bras - Picture Frame 21U010 Undergraduate Tabled 2020-09-22
MSFAC Appointment Change 21U011 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-27
2020 Executive Committee Chair Appointments 21U012 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-29
Funding for Composting Kits 21U013 Undergraduate Passed 2020-09-29
JPRC Undergraduate Bylaws Review 21U014 Undergraduate Agenda 2020-09-29
Government Relations Committee US Senate Candidate Forums 21U015 Undergraduate Passed 2020-10-01
| 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |

Page 14 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 261, ending on 280