Student Government Association



BME Constituency Event 24U047 Undergraduate Agenda 2024-01-22
Wreck the Vote Spring 2024 events 24U048 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-20
GT Atlanta United Night 24U049 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-22
Black History Month Movie Night 24U050 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-23
UHR Mini-Bar Exam 23U031 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-29
Community Relations Spring Events 24U051 Undergraduate Passed 2024-01-26
Appointment of the Undergraduate Executive Cabinet 18U055 Undergraduate Tabled 2018-04-17
Appointment of 2022 UJC Chief Justice - Isabel Knofczynski Undergraduate Authored 2021-12-12
Resolution Supporting Minority Greek Councils 18U056 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-17
SGA Holiday Soiree 18U010 Undergraduate Passed 2017-11-10
Establishing a Well-being Communications Coordinator 22U003 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-13
Appointment of the Undergraduate Chief Justice 18U057 Undergraduate Passed 2018-04-17
Resolution of Condolences - Uma Narayan 22U004 Undergraduate Passed 2021-09-14
SGA Bluetooth Speaker Undergraduate Awaiting Author 2022-11-30
Appointments Committee Update - Bylaws Amendment 24U052 Undergraduate Passed 2024-02-05
Pizza Funding for the Annual Meeting 23U065 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-29
SGA Stipend Transparency Act 23U045 Undergraduate Passed 2023-02-13
Black History Month Tabling Event 2 24U054 Undergraduate Passed 2024-02-13
FreShGA - The Final Stand 2018 19U015 Undergraduate Passed 2018-11-12
USGA Article VIII Bylaws Amendment 23U044 Undergraduate Failed 2023-02-13
| 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |

Page 13 of 26, showing 20 records out of 516 total, starting on record 241, ending on 260