Student Government Association



Reallocating Funds from CO into PY Part II (FY24) 24J008 Joint Passed 2024-01-16
Reallocating Funds from CO into PY (FY24) 24J005 Joint Passed 2023-10-17
Reading Day Tabling Event 24U073 Undergraduate Passed 2024-04-16
Ramblin' Reps Addition into USGA Bylaws 18U006 Undergraduate Passed 2017-10-03
Promoting Recycling Near Biomedical Building 23G021 Graduate Passed 2023-02-23
Procedure for Removal of Office- Executive Branch 24U026 Undergraduate Passed 2023-11-06
Printing Funds for SGA Classroom Best Practices Sheet 19U036 Undergraduate Passed 2019-02-12
Pizza with the President 20U028 Undergraduate Passed 2019-10-29
Pizza Funding for the Annual Meeting 23U065 Undergraduate Passed 2023-03-29
Pizza at UHR Meeting 23U004 Undergraduate Passed 2022-09-06
Photo Repository for SGA 24U021 Undergraduate Passed 2023-10-24
PCGB Allocation for Engagement Week 19J009 Joint Passed 2018-08-08
Parking for NAGPS - WITHDRAWN 17G015 Graduate Tabled 2017-04-09
Outreach and Engagement Committee Polling Incentive 24U063 Undergraduate Passed 2024-03-25
Open Records Bill 25J008 Joint Passed 2024-10-17
Onboarding process for new UHR members 23U033 Undergraduate Passed 2022-11-28
Resolution Awaiting Author
Non-Citizen and Immigrant Task Force - Bylaws Amendment 21U026 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-02-23
Nomination for the Ethics Management Committee 21U030 Undergraduate Agenda 2021-03-02
New 2024 UJC Chief Justice - Harper Finch Undergraduate Created
| 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |

Page 12 of 28, showing 20 records out of 557 total, starting on record 221, ending on 240