Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Resolution Expressing Condolences: Dongha "Tony" Kang 18J157 Joint Passed 2018-01-16
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Taylor Garmon 18J158 Joint Passed 2018-01-16
Therapy farm animals on campus for stress relief Joint Created
Graduate student homecoming tailgate 22J131 Joint Agenda 2021-10-03
Grad Spring Picnic 2020 20J015 Joint Passed 2019-08-18
***JAC BILL*** AAPI Heritage Month Joint Authored 2021-03-12
Graduate Student’s Guide to Personal Finance: Honorarium 16J158 Joint Passed 2016-02-01
Student Financial Counselor 17J105 Joint Passed 2016-11-20
Joint Resolution Recognizing Support for Student Interests 18J176 Joint Tabled 2018-01-30
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Connor Shiver 18J177 Joint Passed 2018-01-30
Recognizing Dr. George P. “Bud” Peterson, And Val Peters Joint Awaiting Author 2019-09-01
Spring 2021 Joint Vice President and Committee Updates 21J150 Joint Agenda 2021-04-05
Snuggle and Cuddle 22J525 Joint Agenda 2022-04-03
Snuggle & Cuddle with Pets 20J229 Joint Passed 2020-01-12
Transfer Funds from GCF to CDF 20J218 Joint Passed 2020-01-13
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Scout Schultz 18J034 Joint Passed 2017-09-18
Resolution on the Safety of Students and Workers 21J015 Joint Agenda 2020-09-08
Resolution in Support of the BIIC White Paper 14J045 Joint Passed 2013-09-06
***JAC*** Funding Request for GradChats Joint Authored 2019-09-12
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Tessa Powers 18J048 Joint Passed 2017-09-26
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Page 1 of 19, showing 20 records out of 368 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20