Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



GSGA VP Academic & Res. Nominee: Spenser Wipperfurth Graduate Authored 2022-09-04
Require Each GSGA Senator to Author/Sponsor 1 Bill per Month Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Increase Transparency of GSGA Operations and Functions Graduate Passed 2022-08-07
Committee to Identify&Support Online Student Needs Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Resolution to Support Student Researchers as Employees Graduate Passed 2022-08-07
Increasing Student Involvement in Governmental Leadership Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Improve Quality of Student Life via Culture&Finance Improve Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Initiative to Provide More Prof. Dev. Opportunities Graduate Passed 2022-08-07
Committee to Select JFC for 2022-2023 School Year Joint Awaiting Author 2022-08-07
Committee to Select GSGA Executive Committee VPs for 2022-23 Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
President & Campus Leaders’ Monthly Meeting with Students Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Invitation of Students to Open Institute Committee Meetings Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Appointment of Senators to the Committee to Review Bills 23G002 Graduate Passed 2022-06-19
Appointment of Chair to the Committee to Review Bills Graduate Passed 2022-06-19
Resolution of Condolences - Dr. Joseph Saleh 22G062 Graduate Passed 2022-04-26
On the Celebration of Graduate Student Appreciation Week 22G057 Graduate Passed 2022-04-04
Snuggle and Cuddle 22J525 Joint Agenda 2022-04-03
Resolution to Amend Apportionment 22G056 Graduate Agenda 2022-03-29
Resolution to Amend Article II of the Bylaws 22G055 Graduate Agenda 2022-03-28
Resolution Regarding Conference Fund maximum allocation 22J510 Joint Passed 2022-03-12
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Page 5 of 19, showing 20 records out of 369 total, starting on record 81, ending on 100