Graduate Student Government AssociationSilver Leaf Certified



Graduate Student Senate - Spring 2016 Seat Allocations 16G008 Graduate Passed 2015-11-30
Resolution to Approve of the Appointment of a Senator at-la2 21G018 Graduate Passed 2021-01-19
Appointment of Grad Exec Positions 16G009 Graduate Passed 2015-11-30
Committee to Identify&Support Online Student Needs Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Resolution on 2020 Executive Cabinet Appointment 20G015 Graduate Agenda 2020-02-18
Appointment of At-Large Senator 14G006 Graduate Passed 2013-10-21
Elections Code Amendment 17G013 Graduate Passed 2017-03-13
Resolution to Support Student Researchers as Employees Graduate Passed 2022-08-07
Resolution regarding the mandatory fees for grad students 20G009 Graduate Agenda 2019-10-22
Increasing Student Involvement in Governmental Leadership Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Improve Quality of Student Life via Culture&Finance Improve Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
GSS Budget Meeting Food 15G010 Graduate Tabled 2015-03-04
Initiative to Provide More Prof. Dev. Opportunities Graduate Passed 2022-08-07
On the Recognition of Exemplary and Groundbreaking Research 22G013 Graduate Awaiting Author
Recognizing the Incredible Accomplishments of Youngrak Park 22G014 Graduate Authored
Committee to Select GSGA Executive Committee VPs for 2022-23 Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Resolution Expressing Condolences: Dr. George F. Riley 19G002 Graduate Passed 2018-07-10
President & Campus Leaders’ Monthly Meeting with Students Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
Resolution on Graduate JAC Appointments 19G003 Graduate Passed 2018-07-11
Invitation of Students to Open Institute Committee Meetings Graduate Authored 2022-08-07
| 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

Page 17 of 19, showing 20 records out of 370 total, starting on record 321, ending on 340